With twenty-five years of industry experience, plus a degree in Tour Production from leading Paris business school Ecole Nationale de Commerce, Christine has long been a pacesetter for Nordic luxury travel. She spearheads this small team whose mission is to deliver travel experiences that uplift and inspire, devoid of gimmicks and unsullied by mass tourism.
We specialize in crafting encounters between people, bringing travelers together with locals who share their interests and passions, with whom they can connect. One of our clients was a collector of vintage weaponry. We took her to a camping ground on the fjords where she could sample her host’s armory of hunting rifles dating back to the 1800’s. Upon departure, we presented her with a hand-crafted knife from a traditional Norwegian bladesmith, which she treasures to this day.
Another traveler told us of his love of choral music. He was greeted in his Sami “Lavvo” tent by a thunderous rendition of Happy Birthday from a 30-strong male voice ensemble. A third wished to know everything there is to know about mercury dental fillings; we brought him together with an internationally renowned odontologist at the University of Bergen. We stop at nothing to find the experiences that will speak directly to our clients, transforming their journey from an enjoyable vacation into a valuable life experience.
To enable us to provide this level of service, those wishing to travel with us will require a minimum budget of USD 30,000. This is an investment which allows us to use our on-the-ground networks to procure access to experiences not granted to ordinary tourists. Relax round the fire with a local storyteller; sail out with the fishing fleet to catch your evening meal; grab a coffee backstage with some of the region’s top performing artists - our trips provide the opportunity to participate in the life and culture of the Nordics, where others just pass through.
To this end, we work closely with a portfolio of trusted suppliers. Through our Partner Education Program, we equip them to provide our clients with a bespoke service tailored to their wishes and expectations. Our hosts are not only dedicated professionals who deliver top-drawer travel experiences. They are engaging, creative individuals who invite our clients into the landscapes they know and love, into their traditions, into their culture.
Not only our suppliers, but we ourselves operate with a level of personal engagement which sets our journeys apart. Christine is one of the most experienced guides in the industry; whenever she gets the chance, she loves to accompany travelers, welcoming them as she would her own family. For Christine, clients are like long-lost relatives whom she yearns to see, whom she’s waiting to receive, and many do in fact become long-term friends.
As well as personal, our journeys are impeccably private. Protecting our clients’ privacy permeates all the work carried out on their behalf. We have a strong track record of facilitating the journeys of those distinguished few who, for different reasons, may wish to remain incognito on their travels.
Released from the constraints of a narrow budget, travel with us becomes free-spirited and playful. Rather than shuttling clients from one activity to another, we make time and space for travelers to discover for themselves the thousand small inspirations and curiosities of Nordic life. Many of our clients return time after time. They find that every trip yields new secrets, new encounters with this rich and multifaceted region.
So, what to expect? A bespoke, personalized service, delivered by specialists with attentiveness and care. Discretion. Privacy. Insider access to rare experiences and encounters. Deeply human hospitality. With us, you can expect to experience the very best of the Nordics on your own terms. You can expect that we will stop at nothing as we work for you to create the Journey of a Lifetime.